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805 N. Chicago Street
Geneseo, IL 61254

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Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 PM
Closed Sunday

Boundless Boundless libby Libby Card Catalog of the library Prairie Cat Card Catalog

Meeting Room

As an extension of our mission to serve as a community resource and center for intellectual growth, the Library welcomes the use of its meeting rooms for educational, informational, cultural, charitable or civic meetings and programs. Guidelines for usage are as follows:

Library-sponsored programs have preference for room usage. "Reservations" are revocable and do not constitute a lease. There is currently no charge for these rooms, but that policy is subject to change.

  1. You must be 18 years old and have a Geneseo Public Library District card to reserve a room.
  2. Reservations for space are made on a first-come, first-served basis, up to three months in advance. To ensure that meeting rooms are available to a variety of groups, patrons may only reserve a room once per week.
  3. Library meeting rooms are available during normal operating hours. 9:00 am, not earlier, until closing. Government elections are the exception.
  4. Please leave the room as you found it (clean up, re-arrange furniture, etc.). Groups are responsible for taking care of the meeting room and will be held responsible for any damages, a $25 maintenance fee could be charged for clean-up or repair. GLPD is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged property.
  5. Please be courteous and do not disturb other patrons. Library staff may attend or observe any meeting or activity at any time. Patrons misusing the rooms will be asked to leave. GLPD reserves the right to deny use or continued use to any person or organization.
  6. Attendees of 12 or more need to be notified by you to park in the library’s North Parking lot.


The following types of events will not be allocated space:

  • Personal events such as birthday, anniversary, or graduation parties.
  • Events where items are sold or admission is charged.
  • Any event that may be harmful to the public image of the GPLD.


Food / Drink

Limited food is allowed in the Foundation rooms if clean-up is completed. Only finger food - no crockpots or cooking is allowed. In addition, we cannot  provide refrigeration or storage space for any items. You may use the available coffee maker, but you must provide your own coffee and condiments. No alcoholic beverages may be served.

Wall St. Journal - Online
library building
Library Information
805 N. Chicago Street
Geneseo, IL 61254
Phone: 309-944-6452
Fax: 309-944-6721
Toll free number for renewals:

Contact Information:
Claire Crawford, Director

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